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Welcome to Innherred.net

Innherred is a geographical region in Nord-Trøndelag, Norway.
It consists the districts that encircles the inner part of the Trondheimsfjord.
The core area is the municipalities of Levanger, Verdal, Inderøy and Steinkjer,
but Verran and Frosta is often counted in as well.

These pages is mainly about genealogy,
but there is also a detour into philately,
and - in time - some other trifles.

The genealogy section will, little by little, contain summaries
of my ancestors a few hundred years back in time.
Mainly in Trøndelag, but also a branch of the family tree
down in the southeastern parts of Norway.

Translation of Norwegian links at the top:
Hjem = Home, Slektsforskning = Genealogy, Filateli = Philately, Musikk = Music, Om = About
